Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. Armor Inspector is available online, on mobiles iOS/Android and on PC.
Armor Inspector can show you armor thickness models (World of Tanks collision models), displays crew and modules locations, including ammo racks, fuel tanks, engines. It has penetration calculator that helps you understand why and how you can penetrate the enemy tank.
There are also more functions in the app, besides just pen calculator and modules locations. The app can show World of Tanks visual models, complete tanks specs, can show and estimate damage from HE ammo, can estimate ramming damage and more. With the Armor Inspector you can compare WoT tanks and check the difference visually in armor and specs.
There is a menu on the left where you can select the app mode.
X-ray allows you to see the WoT collision models, WoT modules locations and WoT visual models. Here you can check the thickness of every armor plate.
Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics. Here you can select the shooter and target tanks and simulate the shot to any given point. The app shows all tank weak spots interactively.
Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming.
Don't forget to set the game version in the Settings, whether it's PC, Blitz or Console.
Using the Armor Inspector webapp above you can learn Waffenträger auf E 100 armor layout, weak spots and specs.
Navigate to X-ray menu to check Waffenträger auf E 100 wot collision model, thickness of every armor plate, and specs. Full Waffenträger auf E 100 specs are also available in a table next to webapp. Use compare button to compare Waffenträger auf E 100 tank to any other wot tank.
Use Confrontation menu to watch live armor model of Waffenträger auf E 100 regarding to any shooter tank you choose. Waffenträger auf E 100 weak spots are displayed in red and green color. The shooting distance is controlled by zooming in and out.
The basic tools can be tried for free. However we are two players and we're not backed by Wargaming in any way and have to extract and find all the information ourselves. It costed us tremendous amount of time and money to make this app for your and also it costs us money to operate this website and serve the HD data for the app.
X-ray mode is available to everyone for free. Confrontation has high tier tanks locked. Collision mode has some nations locked.
If you like the app, consider visit the shop. With your support we can update the data for the app and bring you more awesome tools and services.
You can post your question on our discord channel.